Leaps and Turns & Conditioning

This class focuses on developing the skills necessary to perform a variety of turns and leaps and includes a warmup with an emphasis on strength, conditioning and flexibility.  Students will learn new turns, leaps and jumps such as pirouettes, a la seconde turns, fouette turns, coupe, pencil, attitude and leg hold turns, as well as second jumps, switch leaps and more.

Summer Session:  June 21 – Aug. 2
Summer Session class fee:  $78

SATURDAY,  12:15 – 1:15 pm
Instructor – Jones (Novitsky)

New Enrollment Process is in place!  When you click the link below to register, just click on the icon for the Leaps & Turns.  You will be guided to create an account first for yourself, then add your child, spouse, etc. to your profile.  Then you may begin enrollment.

To register click here.

11 & up
Jordan Jones (Novitsky)
RRCAA, 49 Park St., Madison, OH